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Our Focus


To convene, coordinate, and facilitate information-sharing among philanthropy, regional organizations, networks and nonprofits working in the Delta Region.


To offer funders opportunities to align around common impact areas, strategize together, and work in partnership.


To increase awareness, interest, and investment from those who can help support key needs in the region.

Our Approach


Strengthening educational opportunities and outcomes for Delta Region residents, with an emphasis on systems and the people and organizations they impact.

Capacity Building

Fostering partnerships among government, nonprofit organizations, and businesses as a means of building, increasing, and sustaining capacity and improving quality of life in communities throughout the Delta Region.

Economic Mobility

Increasing the foundation for economic vitality in the Delta Region by investing in people and businesses, training and education, and community systems that enable the region to thrive.

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Where We Serve

The Delta Philanthropy Forum focuses its impact on specific regions identified by need and aligned with the investment priorities of its members. These areas have been chosen based on data analysis, community input, and the shared goals of DPF members. By concentrating efforts in these regions, DPF aims to address key challenges such as economic disparity, healthcare access, and educational attainment, fostering collaboration and ensuring that resources drive meaningful, lasting change.

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